STM32 UART 인터럽트
Polling Mode ============= In Polling Mode, the UART communication can be managed by 10 flags: 1. USART_FLAG_TXE : to indicate the status of the transmit buffer register 2. USART_FLAG_RXNE : to indicate the status of the receive buffer register 3. USART_FLAG_TC : to indicate the status of the transmit operation 4. USART_FLAG_IDLE : to indicate the status of the Idle Line 5. USART_FLAG_CTS : to indicate the status of the nCTS input 6. USART_FLAG_LBD : to indicate the status of the LIN break detection 7. USART_FLAG_NE : to indicate if a noise error occur 8. USART_FLAG_FE : to indicate if a frame error occur 9. USART_FLAG_PE : to indicate if a parity error occur 10. USART_FLAG_ORE : to indicate if an Overrun error occur |
1. USART_IT_TXE : specifies the interrupt source for the Tx buffer empty interrupt. 2. USART_IT_RXNE : specifies the interrupt source for the Rx buffer not empty interrupt. 3. USART_IT_TC : specifies the interrupt source for the Transmit complete interrupt. 4. USART_IT_IDLE : specifies the interrupt source for the Idle Line interrupt. 5. USART_IT_CTS : specifies the interrupt source for the CTS interrupt. 6. USART_IT_LBD : specifies the interrupt source for the LIN break detection interrupt. 7. USART_IT_PE : specifies the interrupt source for the parity error interrupt. 8. USART_IT_ERR : specifies the interrupt source for the errors interrupt.