DC모터 - 회전수 체크가 가능할까?
카테고리 없음 / 2017. 3. 11. 23:30
회전수 체크가 가능할까?
회전수가 35000RPM
RPM : 분당 회전수
1초당 회전수= 35000/60=583회
생각보다 느리네요.
CPU 외부인터럽트로 충분히 측정 가능해 보입니다.
- 리미트스위치 방식 : 내구성이 떨어지고,
- 광학방식 : 슬릿원판을 부착해야하고,
- 전원(전압)측정방식 : 가장 유력해보임.
ADC측정으로 아래 처럼 확인이 가능하다고 한다.
AB-021 : Measuring RPM from Back EMF | Precision Microdrives
https://www.precisionmicrodrives.com/.../ab-021-measuring-rpm-...이 페이지 번역하기
A guide on how to calculate the speed (RPM) of a DC motor by measuring the back electro-motive force (back EMF). Includes circuit diagrams and code.How can I measure back-EMF to infer the speed of a DC motor ...
electronics.stackexchange.com/.../how-can-i-measure-back-emf-t...이 페이지 번역하기
2013. 1. 14. - I'm interested in measuring the back-EMF of a motor to determine a motor's speed because it's cheap and requires no additional mechanical ...How to measure the back emf of a DC motor? - All About Circuits Forum
https://forum.allaboutcircuits.com › ... › General Electronics Chat이 페이지 번역하기
2015. 4. 14. - 댓글 19 - 작성자 10
My main aim is to calculate the back emf that the motor generates and ... (power supply) and a 12V , 60 RPM , DC motor as an inductive load.Can I read the back EMF of motors? - Arduino
forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=17255.0이 페이지 번역하기
2010. 4. 21. - 댓글 14 - 작성자 8
Google for something like "measuring DC motor back-EMF", and scan ... So if the brushed rotor had three windings, rpm would be frequency/3?[PDF]Tips 'n Tricks DC Motor Control - Microchip
ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/41233B.pdf이 페이지 번역하기
2006. 2. 16. - This drive can control a Brushed DC motor in one ..... The motor RPM can be measuredby ... measured, the back EMF voltage can be sensed.Closed loop speed control of DC motor using back emf sening ...
https://sites.google.com/site/.../dc-motor-control-using-back-emf-...이 페이지 번역하기
2011. 8. 30. - How do we make a closed loop control of normal DC motor, which does ... To measurethe back emf of motor, we stop the PWM driver for a brief ...How to measure the back emf of a dc motor and how to eliminate it ...
www.edaboard.com/thread335770.html이 페이지 번역하기
2015. 4. 14. - 댓글 6 - 작성자 2
... 60 RPM , DC motor as an inductive load. My main aim is to calculate the back emf that the motor generates and after that i want to verify if it is ...How to measure the speed (RPM) of a small simple DC motor? - EDA Board
www.edaboard.com › ... › Microcontrollers이 페이지 번역하기
2009. 4. 29. - 댓글 6 - 작성자 6
dc motor back emf measure. You can use a strobe light. Make a simple led circuit that can be driven by a frequency generator. Put a small mark ...[PDF]Back EMF detection during PWM on time by ... - STMicroelectronics
www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/cd00043112.pdf이 페이지 번역하기
Generally, a brushless dc motor is driven by a three-phase inverter with what is ... For the direct back EMF sensing scheme, the PWM signal is applied on high ...[PDF]AN10513 Brushed DC motor control using the LPC2101 - NXP ...
www.nxp.com/documents/application_note/AN10513.pdf이 페이지 번역하기
2007. 1. 12. - LPC2101 microcontroller for bidirectional brushed DC motor control. The. LPC2101, or .... into 'coast' mode). 3.4 RPM measurement ... Back EMF is measured with the modulated MOSFET switched off ('brake' mode). In this.